Advanced module B – critical study of text. Elective: Speeches. Task: Reading/Representing Oral Presentation

Advanced module B – critical study of text. Elective: Speeches. Task: Reading/Representing Oral Presentation

Order Description
Oral Presentation between 5-8 minutes in length on Prime Minister Paul Keating’s Redfern Speech given in 1992 and Governor General of Australia Sir William Deane’s ‘It is still winter at home’ speech given in 1999.
You must prepare answers to all six questions under their own sub headings:
1. What are some of the common issues in the two speeches?
2. How are the values, attitudes and character of the speaker revealed in his/her speech?
3. How do you account for the enduring popularity of these two speeches?
4. How important is the context of the delivery of these speeches?
5. How have different people valued these speeches?
6. What do you think you have gained from studying these speeches? How do they speak to you?

If the question includes the word “how”, then you must include a discussion of techniques, that is, how the meaning is created.

The marker may ask you to answer the six questions in any order and not all questions may be asked. So it is important you have separate answers to all six questions under there own sub-headings.

(No sources of references required)

Posted in essay.