: Defining a Problem/Proposing a Solution
“The York County is one of the counties in Pennsylvania. The County is experiencing rapid growth in a majority of its sectors. The growth of the County has brought along several challenges. The problem facing York City that I would like to address is the issue of overcrowding. If not properly managed, the situation may become worse. I never thought of this as a big problem until I visited the Waller and Magruder Mill elementary schools where my brother studies and realized that this is not only a local problem but a personal problem since getting substance education from such a crowded environment is hard. The school Board has already admitted that overcrowding is an issue in the school, and it is causing them a headache as they project that the numbers will rise with the developments of residential developments that are being experienced in York County. The solution suggested by the York County School Board is that a new elementary school should be constructed. The problem with this solution is that it is not long term since the population growth in York City has not been controlled. Constructing a new elementary school in the region may ease the pressure on the elementary schools for a few years, but the problem of overcrowding will be reported again if the population growth of York County is not controlled. The audience for this proposal would be the York County School Board and the Board of Supervisors as they are involved in the allocation of funds for construction of the residential developments leading to the overcrowding and allocation of funds for development of an elementary school. The details that are relevant for this particular audience is the effect that overcrowding in elementary schools will have on the quality of education and the coming up with a long lasting solution to the problem of overcrowding.”
REMEMBER to take research on the above topic ONLY!
Here’s some comments from professor regarding this topic:
“This sounds like an interesting topic to examine. I ask you to think about a few things as you work on this topic, though (and to possibly provide the answers here so that your peer reviewer can be of more help):
1) Why is “population control” your solution? Are there reasons that York would want to keep its population smaller?
2) Would the town benefit in any way from population growth?
3) You still need to address the “proposal” section of this assignment. You’ve identified a “problem” and possibly taken issue with their proposed solution, but what might be a viable alternative in your eyes?”
Proposals identify an problem, put forth plans of action, and seek to persuade readers to implement these plans. In this assignment, you will write a proposal that formulates a problem, considers the alternatives, and offers a solution directed to a particular individual or group. You will also rely on research in order to make the proposal as detailed and plausible as possible.
Choosing the Topic for Your Proposal
In order to develop a workable project, begin by identifying an existing situation in school, at work, or in your community that calls for attention.
This is one important way your assignment departs from some of the textbook examples: topics that take on national or international issues are too large and too far removed from our direct experience to be workable for this assignment. They will not be allowed.
Choosing a problem with which you have a direct and local investment will help you to do the following:
outline a feasible and specific set of steps for implementation
consider the multiple groups or individuals who might be affected by your plan identify and address potential resistance to your proposal
compose a realistic, reasonable, and thus persuasive proposal
Typical Arguments Found in Proposals
Something may be wrong that needs to be changed or corrected.
Example: To provide a better climate for learning, the Altoona School District should create a peer tutoring program.
Something may be lacking that needs to be added.
Example: The Little Lions Swim Club should hire a full-time coach.
Something worthwhile may not be working properly and needs to be improved.
Example: Ferguson Township’s recycling program should be expanded to include curbside pick-up.
A situation may need to be redefined in order to find new approaches or solutions.
Example: The benefits program for employees of MacLean’s HealthCare Association should be revised to create a fairer maternity/family leave policy.
You can imagine how each of the example statements above would enable the proposal writer to research the resources needed to implement the idea and then craft a detailed set of steps for implementation. You will want to find a problem that allows you to do the same level of research and idea development.Â
How to Organize Your Proposal
Section I: Front Matter
Title page:
Provides the title of your proposal, to whom the report is submitted, who wrote the report, and the date. Type each of these items on a separate line, and center each line.
Executive summary:
Provides the title of the proposal and name of the writer at the top. Then, states in one paragraph the problem and describes the solution.
Section II: Text (Body)
The final draft of your proposal should include each of the following sections. Create your own descriptive sub-heading for each section. 1. Statement of the problem: Introduces the problem. Establishes the relevance of the problem for your intended readers.
1. Statement of the problem: Introduces the problem. Establishes the relevance of the problem for your intended readers.
2. Description of the solution: Describes the solution and the steps needed to implement it.
3. Explanation of reasons: Provides your reasoning (your evidence) in support of your proposed solution. Also, in this section you will need
to consider the available alternatives, as well as likely counterarguments to your solution and to what length you need to address them.
4. Conclusion: This is a short section that summarizes and reinforces your main points.
Section III: Works Cited Page
Start this portion of the document on a new page. Make sure to follow exactly the citation guide in your textbook when working on each citation. The works cited list is never numbered but is always alphabetized. Every reference on the list should match a clearly labeled in-text citation in the body of your proposal.
Essay Requirements
1. Your proposal must define a problem for a real group of people and put forth a plan of action for resolving this problem.
2. The proposal needs to be directed to a specific individual or group of people who you name in the proposal and whose interests, values,
priorities, and abilities shape your appeal.
3. The body of your proposal should use rhetorical techniques and relevant research to persuade readers that a problem exists and that your
solution is feasible.
4. You are required to use a minimum of three sources in your proposal and cite these sources properly both in the body of your text and on
the Works Cited page.
5. Your proposal must be organized into the sections/subsections described above.
6. Your proposal should follow a report format, meaning that it should include a title page and one-paragraph executive summary.
7. The final length of the proposal is approximately 1,300–1,600 words. (This is the equivalent of about 5–6 pages without special
formatting. Ask your instructor if you have questions about the length requirement based on formatting and/or use of visual elements in your document.) The document should be word processed, with 1-inch margins on all sides. Please use 12-point, Times New Roman font.