
Letter from the Professor/Chair
Hi Anthony,
In general, here are my concerns:
1. I believe the effectiveness of CBT with vets with PTSD has been examined quite frequently. Interviewing vets is often a sticky topic with the IRB (due to the trauma issues) and we need to get creative in how we can gather this information from another source. For example, perhaps the therapists who provide CPT. their views are powerful and they can offer their insight on effectiveness. Access to these individuals will also be much easier.
2. While I see the value in looking at this issue through a mixed method approach, I believe it will add a layer of complexity to the study that will require more time. I would highly recommend selecting one of the other.
3. Part of my role as your chair is to assist you in determining a study that is doable and realistic.
After reading that letter above make some adjustment by re-writing the Prospective
The topic of the prospectus is: “The Effectiveness CPT in treating Soldiers Returning from Iraq War and suffering from PTSD”
After reading my old prospectus, In 8 pages, “Write a prospectus using only one research method and not mixed. The reference will not be more than 5 years old.
*My old prospectus downloaded*

Posted in essay.