women in islam
Paper details:
please follow every single instruction as provided. its a 6 page review essay. follow the Guidelines for Writing the Critical Review in the file provided.
Critical Review Assignment (30%)
Please prepare a 6-8 page (12Font/double-space/APA style) critical review paper. Follow the guidelines and instructions below for this assignment.
1. Choose one of the four pre-selected articles for your critical review assignment.
2. Familiarize yourself with how to write a critical literature review. See below for some general guidelines but also review/read other critical reviews online to familiarize yourself with style and content.
3. Your review essay should also include 3-5 additional scholarly references to help build and substantiate your points. These must be books and/or academic journal articles (note: course readings and lectures can be included but do not count as your 3-5 additional scholarly sources).
Critical Review Paper
Choose only one of the following articles for this assignment:
Article #1:
Dr. Asifa Quereshi-Landes
“What if Sharia Weren’t the Enemy? Rethinking International Women’s Rights Advocacy on Islamic Law”
Link: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1762767
Article #2:
Dr. Homa Hoodfar
“The Veil in Their Minds and On Our Heads: The Persistence of Colonial Images of Muslim Women”
http://www.umass.edu/wost/syllabi/spring06/hoodfar.pdf(Opens PDF document)
Article #3
Dr. Sherene Razack
“Imperiled Muslim Women, Dangerous Muslim Men and Civilised Europeans: Legal and Social Responses to Forced Marriages”
Link: https://www.ualberta.ca/~lgotell/OB_Articles/razack.pdf
Article #4
Dr. Asma Barlas
“Does the Qur’an Support Gender Equality? Or, Do I have the autonomy to answer this question?”
Link: http://www.asmabarlas.com/TALKS/Groningen_Keynote.pdf
Guidelines for Writing the Critical Review
Some issues you may want to include in your review are:
1. What are the key questions/issues raised by the authors of the dossiers you have selected?
2. What are some of the important or overlapping themes in the articles?
3. What are some of the author’s basic assumptions or concepts?
4. Outline points where you agree or disagree with the author’s analysis and provide support for your views.
5. Are the issues raised by the author relevant? How so? Provide examples.
Please Note
Keep in Mind:
• Writing a critique does not mean negatively criticizing or providing only negative evaluations of the readings. Evaluate both strengths as well as weaknesses as part of your critique.
• Do not summarize the articles in detail, offer an overview of the key points.
• Connect your review to the broader themes in the course.
• Make sure to integrate the course readings where relevant. Connect your readings to other articles in the course reader and look for thematic ties that can strengthen your analysis.
NB: Criteria for Marking Written Assignments
The quality of writing, such as style, organization, argumentation, analysis, clarity and format will strongly affect the grading of your written work. Successful papers will integrate information from both course readings and lectures. All written work must be typed and properly referenced.