1—– Oppression and Privilege: An Educational Concern

1—– Oppression and Privilege: An Educational Concern
To discourse a critical issues from the reading

Read The Matrix Reader readings (p 139-145 ), answer # 18, 19, 20, 25.
Based on the readings they are ,a total of two critical responses to any of the assigned readings.

2—–Read The Matrix Reader readings 26 “The Big Picture Understanding the Historical Context”
Read: Richard Lewis article, The diversity challenge: A systematic approach for addressing difference in organizations.
Write a 2page-reflection paper on chapter 26 or Richard Lewis article that supports or challenge your own historical concepts of diversity.

3—- Read: Milton Bennett article “Becoming Interculturally Competent”
Read:DePraw, Marcelle & Axner, Marya.(nd).Working on common cross-cultural communication challenges.Available:http://www.pbs.org/ampu/crosscult.html
3. Read: LeBaron, Michelle. (2002). Cross-cultural communication. Available: http://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/cross-cultural_communication/
Culture and Organizational DiversityForum
Becoming Interculturally Competent

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