PHI 2010 Introduction to Philosophy Written Assignment #3 As you prepare the Written Assignment, please follow these instructions: Answer ONE of the following questions.You are welcome to use as many resources as you like (such as your textbook, other books, articles, webpages, and class notes), but the work should be entirely your own. You are on your honor to submit your own work. Follow all instructions for written assignments given in the syllabus including word count (at least 750 words), typewritten in 12-pt. font, and double-spaced presentation. This written assignment is due by 8:00 AM CDT on August 6.Submit the assignment to the DropBox by the due date. Question One: As we discussed ethics in this course, we made a distinction between ethics and morality. What is the difference between ethics and morality? In this class, we also described three modes of ethical reflection (Teleology, Deontology, and Areteology). Which mode of ethical reflection do you think provides the most useful way to reflect on a moral dilemma and why? Question Two: When philosophers consider the issue of justice, they begin with a view of humans. Some philosophers (such as Plato and Aristotle) argue that humans by nature are unequal. Other philosophers (such as Hobbes, Rousseau, Locke, Rawls, Calhoun, Malcolm X, and King) argue that humans are equal. Which view (humans as unequal or humans as equal) do you think best describes human nature? Why? And, which philosopher(s) do you think provide(s) the most accurate or helpful description of justice? Why?