6347 WK4 Peer Exchange – Scoring and Dealing with Data – Instructions

6347 WK4 Peer Exchange – Scoring and Dealing with Data – Instructions
WK 4 Peer Exchange – Scoring and Dealing with Data – Instructions

Imagine that you have conducted the needs assessment and process evaluation. How will you score or code the data you collected? How will you analyze this data? How you will communicate the results found to different stakeholders?
This is a role play activity. You are to take on the role of a program evaluate and present the data collected and the results of your analysis for your scenario. Record a video of 3 – 5 minutes that shows you explaining this information to your chosen stakeholder. Use an info-graphic to illustrate your data and results found. You might want to script this out before recording.
Your video presentation needs to include:
• Identification of the role you are playing in presenting the data.
• Identification of who you are presenting to.
• An explanation of how you scored and analyzed the data collected.
• An info-graphic illustrating your results.
I only want a one page and I will do the video.

After uploading your presentation, you will be presented with the videos of two of your peers.
• Decide which video you think is the strongest of the two.
• Eight percent (80%) of your choice should be which video completed the assignment most fully.
o Who explained their data more thoroughly?
o Who explained their analysis so it was easy to understand?
• Twenty percent (20%) of your choice should be which video was presented most professionally.
o What was their tone? Surrounding area?
o Professional appearance? Professional attitude?
• Objectively considering the above, rate the video you’ve chosen on a scale of 1 – 5.
• Finally, add a comment about what you thought was the strongest part of their video or what you felt needed to be strengthened.
You can use this SOWK6347_PeerExchange_Peer-Rubric.pdf file to help you rate your peer.
WK 3 Practice with Hispanic Clients Evaluation Paper – Part I
The Children and Family Advocate Center (CFAC) is an agency that focuses on the improvement of the lives of children and the family (Grinnell, & Unrau, 2016).
Its members engage in task with children, elderly, the youths, women, people with alcohol and substance abuse matters, and the homeless. Other clients include individuals who need services in health care departments and schools (Grinnell, & Unrau, 2016).
The mission of the agency is to protect the rights of the children and act according to their interests. Its vision is to defend children from abuse and rejections as well as to maintain order within the families. The goal of the Children and Family advocate center is to preserve the safety of all children who are abused and neglected in the community (Acker, 2010). Supporting family related development issues is its core value. Basically, the CFAC exists to serve its members and to solve their problems. The strengthening household Program attempts to obtain a strong bond for the children by involving families during the reconsolidation process. The practice is through extensive parenting classes.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of intensive parenting courses on parents’ knowledge of child development, child abuse, and attitudes about abusive behaviours. In this study, a pre-test post-test experimental design will be used to compare scores from the assessment. Gender may be used to determine whether male or female participants are more receptive to the intervention. This would be a nominal variable to measure attributes that are different in kind (Grinnell, Gabor & Unrau, 2016). The impact of gender on the assessment scores will be measured by comparing which group has a higher increase in score after the intervention. Another variable in the study is the age of the parent. The design will measure which age group showed the highest increase in scores following the intervention. Interval measurement will be valuable to assess the differences in age groups.
Non-probability sampling method is used in situations where it is required to limit or pick your data foundations on some unique characteristic (Grinnell, & Unrau, 2016).
Purposive sampling focuses on hand-pick subjects on the basis of specific characteristics. The specific characteristics that this study will focus on are Hispanic clients and their unique needs. Hispanics are the fastest-growing people in the U.S. according to the United States Census Bureau (Grinnell, & Unrau, 2016).
The population continues to grow and it is essential to understand the culture, language, and their history. This sample will allow the study to focus directly on the Hispanic children and their needs to strive. It is imperative for the children to continue with their values and traits so they can have a better understanding of who they are and their learning style. Researchers believe that Hispanic students who speak English and Spanish need their educational programs to be explicit with both language and cultural integration (Grinnell, & Unrau, 2016). This sample will help to explain why Hispanics are not receiving intervention well.
Gender can also be used to determine the most affected group. The effect of gender disparity can be measured by relating the behavior of two different children, preferably male and female under different habitat. Here, the agency will examine facilities in these environments.
Nonetheless, the establishment and improvement of the CAFC in the Hispanic community intends to offer three basic client interventions. They include affect based, knowledge based and behaviorally based objectives (Kadushin & Harkness, 2014). It is worth noting that the agency programs can enhance the level of the clients’ knowledge and skills in various areas. For that reason, effective accomplishment of parenting aims signifies development. The program also provides support for the mixed status communities and their family unity (Nelson & Prilleltensky, 2010). In most occasions, it implements valuations to measure parenting abilities. These type of interventions are normally considered while investigating cases related to child abuse to protect the lives of children.
Affect-based program objectives on the other hand, concentrates on transforming the clients’ attitudes. In fact, Parent learning programs within the agency are formed to give the children and parents moral support (Grinnell, & Unrau, 2016). In so doing, it develops significant prospects for the children based on their interests. The program also educates the parents on how to treat children with understanding and disciple. These Parenting lessons assists in realizing goals and potential solutions to life challenges. Additionally, they improve skills and strengthen personal self-esteem (Acker, 2010). This will allow the clients to incorporate their parenting styles.
However, the discrepancy between the benefit of providing services to Hispanic children and families, given their increased population and readiness of the social workers to provide these services is quite upsetting (Grinnell, & Unrau, 2016). This is glaring especially when one considered that the Hispanics may be at risk for different psychological maladies that includes little education attainment, mental health concern, poverty, ill health and acquaintance to violence. Therefore, the influence of those ethical aspects creates limited life opportunities for some Hispanics (Kadushin & Harkness, 2014). Therefore, culturally competent social work practice with Hispanic families is an imperative access and treatment freedom to this population (Grinnell, & Unrau, 2016). It is because culturally competent services are based on the need for wide-ranging sensitivity to cultural factor that might influence the clients.
To sum up, parenting intervention is an important step in the behavioral pattern category. It is based on understanding, affect, emotional aims and ideas. The Child and Family Advocate agency is an important organization that develops the lives of children. Peaceful communication and association is important especially among the children. It is because it promotes acceptance and identity in the community. Education and new parenting approaches will introduce the sense of order and adherence to the agency rules. Parent behavioral intervention program is beneficial for the children because the kids are in need of love, care, devotion, attention and guidance. Therefore, it is imperative that the CAFC develop reciprocal link with families to eliminate the weaknesses of children.

Acker, G. M. (2010). The challenges in providing services to clients with mental illness: Managed care, burnout and somatic symptoms among social workers. Community Mental Health Journa, 46(69), 591-600.
Grinnell, R.M., & Unrau, Y. A. (2016). Program evaluation for social workers: Foundation of evidence-based programs. Oxford University Press.
Kadushin, A., & Harkness, D. (2014). Supervision in social work. . Columbia: Columbia University Press.
Nelson, G., & Prilleltensky, I. (2010). Community psychology: In pursuit of liberation and well-being. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

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