8300Major sign Pt2

8300Major sign Pt2

Paper details:

• Write a purpose statement using terminology of qualitative research. The purpose statement should contain:
A statement using the following template: The purpose of this qualitative study is to [choose one: explore, describe, understand, explain] the meaning/experience/culture/stories of [phenomenon of interest] in [population/setting].
A justification of why the purpose of your study is suited for the qualitative approach in terms of:
The phenomena you choose
The “fit” with a constructivist epistemology and ontology
The relevance of the naturalistic setting or context to the phenomena of interest
Based on your knowledge of reflexivity, explain your relationship to the problem; and the issues of bias and positionality to be addressed. Include a brief description of the setting and possible sources of data.
• Write a research question using terminology of qualitative research.

• The research question should incorporate and mirror the purpose statement using the following template: What is the meaning/experience/culture/stories of [phenomenon of interest] in [population/setting]?
Include your updated Annotated Bibliography section.

Posted in essay.