Adlerian Case Conceptualization Report

Adlerian Case Conceptualization Report
Order Description
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Refer to both text & cite

Sommers-Flanagan, J. & Sommers-Flanagan, R. (2012). Counseling and psychotherapy
theories in context and practice: Skills, strategies and techniques. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. – 2nd Edition (Chapter 3)

Sperry, L. & Sperry, J. (2012). Case conceptualization: Mastering this competency with ease and confidence. Routledge: NY (Chapter 9)
Write a case conceptualization from an Adlerian theoretical orientation.

Format the paper in the same style as the case exemplar provided (case of Geri) in chapter 9; pg. 200

The case conceptualization should cover the clinical formulation components as described in the Sperry & Sperry (2012) text:

presentation, precipitant, predisposing factors (these are theory based dynamics), pattern (maladaptive), perpetuants, protective factors and strengths, first order goal(s) and interventions, and second order goal(s) and interventions. Identify each element in the actual chart (pg. 199), then write all of the listed elements in a coherent formulation statement. (Use Case of Geri as Example)

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