Argumentative essay

Argumentative essay

Paper details:

The topic is Same Sex Marriage. Give 3 major points to support gay marriage. Explain and give an example for each major point. Make the refutation in the third body paragraph, mix the third major point of your position with the opposition point. Use 3 sources that I provide to write the essay. Instruction, sources, and rubric are attached below

Argumentative Essay Outline

I. Intro
A. ‘Hook’ (anecdote or facts/figures)
B. Issue: includes statement and both sides in some detail (N.B. Begin with the ‘opposition’)
1. Opposing argument (N.B. Here you can use an article)
2. Opposing argument
3. (Opposing argument)
C. ‘Switch’ (However, many people … + “your position”. (N.B. This is not the place for “I believe/think”)
1. General support for ‘your’ position
D. ‘Thesis’ (you may use ‘concession’ Although many would argue + opposition position,) (I think) + your thesis/position.

II. Body #1
A. Topic sentence (Transition + reason #1 for your position)
1. Supporting point #1 ( use transition) (N.B. Make your point before using a citation)
a. Example/detail/article citation
b. Example/detail/article citation
1. Supporting point #2 (transition)
a. Example/detail/article citation
b. Example/detail/article citation
2. (Supporting point #3)
B. Transition/concluding sentence

III. Body #2
A. Topic sentence (Transition + reason #2 for your position)
2. Supporting point #1(N.B. Make your point before using a citation)
a. Example/detail/article citation
b. Example/detail/article citation
3. Supporting point #2
a. Example/detail/article citation
b. Example/detail/article citation
4. (Supporting point #3)
B. Transition/concluding sentence

IV. Body #3 (refutation)
C. Opening sentence: (“Some people say … , Many would argue …, Some people argue that …)
5. Opposition point
c. Main opposition point
(1) Example/detail/article citation (N.B. Do not give too much of the opposition)
6. Refutation (this is your third major point N.B. this must be different from body 1&2)
c. Supporting point
d. Supporting point
Example/detail/article citation
D. Concluding sentence

V. Conclusion
A. ‘Revisit’ issue: Give the ‘opposition’
B. Restate/summarize: Your position/thesis/topic sentence points here
C. Prediction, call to action, suggestion, rhetorical question

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