Artistic Expressions of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Theology

Each student will compile a scrapbook demonstrating artistic expressions of
Jewish, Christian, and Islamic theology (views of God). Each student must
endeavor to provide four distinctive works (art, artifact, or architecture), at least
one each from the three religions. You will include in your scrapbook individual
images of the pieces of art – images should be high-resolution, clear, and legally
obtained (i.e., follow copyright laws). Students should provide a discussion of
these images. Each image will be accompanied by at least 4 paragraphs of text,
single-spaced, explaining how the work evinces the theology of a particular
religion. A artistic work does not have to be originally crafted by an adherent of
the religion nor does the work have to be meant to be religious or of a specific
religion; but the more removed it is from religion or a particular religion, the more
the burden will be on the student to explain why it is included. Include a
discussion of the artist and the artist’s motives or motifs if possible. You may also
assess how well the artist conveys the message of the Scripture, if this was the
artist’s intent. Students must cite all sources and
do so in a consistent established style (APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, or SBL).

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