Assignment #4

Assignment #4

Paper details:

History Assignment Grading Rubric
Discussion are worth a maximum of 25 points each. Students should post a response to the initial question(s) and are required to respond to at least one classmate and to the instructor’s question.
Points for each Discussion will be awarded as follows:
25 points
• Discussion postings and responses follow all required instructions and are posted by the due date.
• Discussion postings and responses demonstrate a full understanding of the concepts and/or strategies as presented in the readings.
• Discussion postings and responses provide evidence that the student has read the textbook.
• Discussion posting and responses follow rules for proper netiquette.
• Student has responded to at least one classmate
• Student has responded to the instructor.
• Post is free from any grammar or spelling errors.
• Discussion posts are cited in APA, MLA format.
24-15 points
• Discussion postings and responses are posted by the due date but are not completely responsive to the requirements of the Discussion instructions.
• Discussion postings and responses demonstrate some understanding of the concepts and/or strategies as presented in the readings.
• Discussion postings and responses provide evidence that the student has read and considered only one colleague’s postings.
• Student has responded to at least one classmate.
• Student has responded to the instructor.
• There are some grammar and spelling errors.
• Discussions are not cited.
14 or fewer points
• Discussion postings and responses are posted past the due date and/or do not address the requirements of the Discussion instructions.
• Discussion postings and responses do not demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and/or strategies as presented in the readings.
• Discussion postings and responses do not provide evidence that the student has read or considered colleagues’ postings.
• Student has not responded to at least one classmate.
• Student has not responded to the instructor.
• There are over 5 grammar and spelling errors.
• Discussions are not cited.

Writing Assignment #4
Consult course calendar for assignment due dates.

Directions: Students are to answer the questions using the assigned readings for the week. Students will submit the responses to the question to the online discussion board. Please consult the syllabus course calendar for assignment readings and due dates. Minimum word count for each question is at least 50 words. Please consult the grading rubric for assignments guidelines. Please remember to submit work to safe assign and include citations of work if you do not use the textbook. However, the textbook is required.

Students will need to select at least three questions to answer. To prepare for this Discussion students are to review Unit 8.

Question #1
After World War II, Cold war tensions increased among nations. Identify elements or events that increased tensions between the United States and Soviet Union during the Cold War. What were these dilemmas and how did Americans react to them?

Question #2
Lesson 25 and 26 highlights American foreign policy initiatives. Identify at least two events that heightened Cold War tensions.

Question #3
What overall lessons did you learn about after briefly reviewing the presidential leadership and administrations of Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, and Carter? (Choose at two of these presidencies) What commonalities did you find? What differences did you find?

Question #4
What were some of the foreign policy initiatives proposed by Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, and Carter? (Choose at two of these presidencies)

Question #5
How did Reagan’s administration react to the Cold War and what was the result? Discuss at least one significant contribution during the presidency of President Bill Clinton and George Bush?

Identify the significant contributions of Americans during the 1990’s-present? (Identify at least one) Discuss your understanding of some of the challenges or successes during the presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama.

Reflect back on writing assignment #1 in this course and your definition of history. How has your understanding changed since week 1? Please share specific examples of ideas or new insights that you gained from the readings, resources or films as a result of this course.

Posted in essay.