Assignment front sheet
I Qualification I Unit number and title I
i Unit 1: Design Principles and Application for Construction
I Pearson BTEC Higher National Certificate in I and Built Environment
I construction QCF Level 4 I Unit code: D/601/ 1245
Date issued 7 Completion date Submitted on
I *Assignment 3 – roles and responsibilities of all parties
Assignment title I involved in construction projects and how technology affects I
the design and production phases of construction projects I
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I I In this assessment you will have the
32:22:: Learning A3233? opportunity to present evidence that 1:3“ Evidence
Outcome . shows you are able to: ‘ (Page I10)
Understand 4.1 Explain the roles and responsibilities of all parties
he roles and involved in the planning and design phases
responsibilities 4.2 Explain the roles and responsibilities of all parties 1
Lo4 _-f all parties involved in the production phase
Invotretitrn Evaluate the corporate and personal
cons ru Ion responsibilities of all parties involved in
prOJects construction projects
howh l 5.1 Discuss the modern technology available to
ac no 095’ designers. planners and builders
affects the
Lo5 design and
phases of Evaluate the effect of technological advances on
construction the various phases of construction projects7