The report should cover the following areas:1. Situational Analysis of the company
2. Target market description
3. Target Market Decision making process
4. two social influences on buying behavior
5. two psychological influences on buying behavior
6. two personal influences on buying Behavior
7. For marketing strategy recommended
Author Archives: admin
How Will the Nurse Pratitioner role affect Healthcare?
In this paper identify a problem in the nursing field. The paper length will be 1000 words in length (word count does not include the references or the title page, but only within the paper itself) . It starts with a problem and ends with a solution to the problem. This makes the research problem very important as it serves as the axis around which the whole research revolves. A research problem begins with a question of concern to the researcher. It forms around the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and WHAT of a problem situation. Sources for research questions may arise from work, from something you read (that leaves you looking for more), and from theories that need to be tested. Obtain some peer reviewed articles in the area that you have identified for a total of 5 articles that are within the past 5 years from the databases from the Library or any search engine that you wish to use (as long as the articles are peer reviewed). The problem could be medication errors within your facility. It could be an increase in AMA’s in the emergency room (due to long wait times), the choice is yours. The paper is to be written in APA format, Times New Roman 12 pt font. Have a title page and a reference page with references in the appropriate order. When formulating the paper keep the following in mind:
Outline the general context of the problem area.
Identify key theories, concepts and other ideas central to the problem area.
Identify the underlying assumptions of the problem area. Why do you think it is a problem? Why do you think it is important to solve this problem? Why is an answer important? To whom is an answer important?
Read around the area to get to know the background (and history if necessary). This helps you more clearly define the unanswered question or identify more clearly the contradiction.
When formulating a research problem:
Is the problem of current interest?
Will the research results have value?
Will it be possible to apply the results to practice?
Does the research contribute to the profession of nursing?
Will the research help identify new problems and lead to further research?
Can you find the answer to the problem through research?
nursing philosophy
Nursing Philosophy Assignment
A philosophy is a statement about who you are and what you believe. What do you see as truth? Chapter 3 Power Point helps you begin the process of writing your personal nursing philosophy.
A philosophy may change over time. Once you write it down, revisit it yearly to see what you would change, if anything. You may be tempted to look at literature that is already defining some of the things you will be asked about. I encourage you to NOT look at the literature first. But instead, write what you think. There is time for clarification.
Once you have started your philosophy according to Chapter 3 Power Point, visit the web site below. It will provide you with additional thought provoking questions that may expand your thinking.
Limit your philosophy to between 100 words and no longer than what will fit comfortably on one page. Notice there is no room for citations. This is your philosophy, not someone else’s! You will begin forming your philosophy this week. It is due Week 6, Wednesday 11:55pmYou may be “tastefully” creative in your presentation.
A list of DO NOTS:
Use “Evidence from the literature”
Use websites such as blogs,, and other sites that are not considered professional in nature.
Use a PDF format
Be SURE to use this website for learning and development purposes:
Articulating Your Philosophy of Nursing
Category Substantially Developed
(20-25 points) Moderately Developed
(14-20 points) Minimally Developed
(7-13 points) Inadequately Developed
(1-6 points) Points
Ideas All elements of the philosophy are present.
Central ideas are clearly communicated. Clear and specific introduction and conclusion. Excels in responding to assignment.
Most of the elements of the philosophy are present.
Adequate but treatment of ideas that responds less well to the assignment. Recognizable introduction and conclusion. The purpose of the writing is difficult to discern. Mundane treatment of ideas. Some confusion or irrelevant details present. Responded to less than half of assignment. Many of the elements of the philosophy are missing or incomplete.
The purpose of the writing is not clear to the reader. Unclear, repetitious, confusing or disconnected thoughts; No clear central idea; Unfocused introduction or conclusion; Does not respond to the assignment. /25
Organization Order, structure, and presentation of information is compelling; Flows smoothly; Draws reader in; Well organized.
Overall organization is clear. Generally adequate transition of ideas between paragraphs. Most ideas relate together. Organization is hard to follow. Connections between ideas unclear at times. Ideas arranged randomly rather than logically. Logic relating to the central idea not always clear. A clear sense of direction is not evident. /25
Personal Work & APA Style Work shows reflection. Displays originality and creativity.
If applicable, for the most part, sources of information are cited correctly using APA format for both in-text citations and in the reference list. Work provides some reflection and originality. Minor and/or occasional errors in APA formatting are present. Work shows little reflection or originality. Several errors in APA formatting. Work provides no reflection or originality. Major and/or frequent errors in APA formatting are present. /25
Spelling, Grammar, & Language Writing is essentially error-free in terms of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and language usage. Words are clear and accurate. Uses direct language.
Minor errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and language usage which do not detract from the writing nor impede understanding. Words are clear and mostly accurate. Uses generalizations, clichés or platitudes. Several errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and language usage that detract from content understanding. Writing contains frequent spelling and grammar errors which interfere with comprehension of content. Errors in language block the reader’s understanding of content. Language is wordy or repetitive. /25
In Suny's Structure of Soviet History: Vladimir Putin "First Person" p.635; Putin "Putin's Prepared Remarks" p.649; Stephen Holmes "What Russia Teaches Us Now" p.707
Written responses should be 300-500 words and double spaced. Create responses in some kind of word-processing program and save them in some kind of PC readable format (.doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf – etc.).
Responses should address the following questions: What is/are the main point(s) of the author(s)? What interesting or enlightening idea did you discover in the writing (if any)? Do you agree or disagree with the author(s)? Why or why not?
These responses are not to be informal, nor should they be written in the same conversational style as a phone text conversation or even a discussion post. Make sure to write clearly, analytically, and with brevity in your responses. These are to be written like a review for a newspaper or magazine, but with your own analytical opinions.
business law
2016 (3)
CASE STUDY (10%) – No more than 400 words
Read the following facts and answer the 3 questions.
Joe has finished training as an auto mechanic. He has saved his money and opened his own business. He does not want to buy into any mechanic franchise, but wants a business model best suited for him to do his own thing. His former boss wants to go into partnership with him, but Joe is undecided. One day he left one of his screwdrivers in the walkway of his business. Mary, a customer, came into Joe’s business and slipped on the tool and broke her arm in the fall. Joe immediately called an ambulance for her and she was taken to hospital.
Question 1
Discuss the best business model for Joe’s auto mechanic shop.
In deciding which business form is best for Joe, you will need to consider the following options: sole trader, partnership, or proprietary limited company, including the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Question 2
If Joe decides to operate the business under a name other than his own, briefly describe the appropriate steps that would need to be taken.
[2 marks]
Question 3
Mary sued Joe for negligence. Describe what she would have to prove for Joe to have been negligent. From the facts given, can she prove this.
nickled and died by barbara hereinreich
Be succinct and direct your response to the prompt; make sure you answer theprompt, and back up with quote/s from the text
What does Nickel and Dimed indicate about the social, ethical and
cultural choices made about success? How are maids treated
according to Ehrenreich’s observation? Describe the relationship
between the maids and Mrs. W., and how does it reflect society as a
whole? How are women viewed in America?
the nature and development of mathematical thinking and numeracy processes in children.
Write an essay in response to the quote “It is crucial to develop in children the ability to tackle problems with initiative and confidence… mathematics has changed from careful rehearsal of standard procedures to a focus on mathematical thinking and communication to prepare them for the world of tomorrow” (Anghileri, 2006, p. 2).Select and justify one theoretical perspective on learning i.e. Constructivism or Behaviourism that you believe is best suited to the learning and teaching of maths.
Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the selected theoretical perspective and also explain why it is better suited (in comparison with one other theoretical perspective) to the learning and teaching of maths.
Identify and describe why maths teaching and learning has left behind rehearsal and should be about playfulness, fun and creativity; this links to pedagogy.
Case Study: Grappling with Growth
Read the case study, Grappling with Growth: The innovate use of traditional and new media got marketing to enhance interactions with consumers (Cooper, 2012). The case study investigates the challenges of an Olympic sport attempting to grow its brand, increase attendance, and cultivate its social media followers. While the case study centers on an assistant wrestling coach, you can easily integrate any Olympic sport into your responses.
What are potential strategies that the wrestling program can implement via social media marketing to improve interaction with key stakeholder on a regular basis?
In your new position to the institution, how do you plan on using traditional marketing strategies to reach your goal of having an average attendance of 1,000 for the upcoming season?
What are the differences between the three major social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) and how can your program use them individually and collectively to improve marketing efforts? How would you prioritize which social media platform investment of time and resources?
This 4-6 page paper should include evidence from the Required Studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.
Click here for information on course rubrics.
Cooper, C. (2012). Grappling with growth: The innovative use of traditional and new media marketing to enhance interactions with consumers. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
EDU20005: Sustainable Education Perspective
Assessment overview
For this assessment you are required to write a interpretative essay. Your discussion should be based on research-based evidence, and thus you are required to integrate evidence from scholarly sources to support your argument.
This task is assessing your ability to demonstrate that you meet the criteria for the following unit learning outcomes. Students will be able to:
Summarise the scope and purpose of educating for a sustainable future
analyse the concept of ecological literacy and articulate the benefits and limitations of being eco-literate.
Assessment details
You are required to write an essay about ‘Ecologising Education’ that specifically addresses the following:
ESSAY QUESTION : “It could be argued that when one thinks deeply about the future, that this thinking provides possibilities to change behaviour in the present. With that in mind: analyse and discuss the benefits and challenges of ecologising education now, and in the future.”
Throughout the essay you will:
Consider the value of ecologising education and teaching sustainable perspectives.
Discuss the potential opportunities and challenges of becoming ecoliterate for teachers, children and young people.
Summarise what you believe can be achieved in education in primary and early childhood.
You must demonstrate clarity and understanding of the topic and offer interpretation of the issues and implications together with a very high level of scholarship. Presentation, format and structure must be of a professional standard.
I just wanted to clarify that this essay is to reference the Australian Education Curriculum, specifically Sustainability in education. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any issues. Thank you so much! You are an amazing help. I have bitten off more than i can chew this semester and your work is fantastic
world view chart
each religion needs a source elaborating on each section related to the weekly content.Identify key details and examples from the weekly resources to serve as a basis for the content being recorded in your chart.
Write clearly and coherently using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics.
one paragraph per section