Case Manager – Community Services Field 'Confirm Client Developmental Status'

Case Manager – Community Services Field ‘Confirm Client Developmental Status’

Paper details:

Imagine you are a Community Options Case Manager for older clients and clients with disabilities. You have just read the following case note for an older client, Mrs Bigg, who receives in-home care twice weekly. The note was written by the brokered care worker. You are considering what action you should take to best support Mrs Bigg. Read the case note then answer the questions that follow:
Mrs Bigg appeared quite confused today during my visit. She had not remembered that I was coming, and demonstrated some difficulties with short-term memory and sequencing of tasks. She was not dressed when I arrived and appeared as if she had not showed for several days. She was quite odorous and her hair was not brushed. This is unusual for Mrs Bigg as she is usually well presented and takes pride in her appearance. She was unable to successfully make herself a cup of tea and required assistance to organise the steps into order. I intervened, as I had concerns for her physical safety and I made her tea for her. She could not recall if she had taken her medication this morning and could not tell me what she had eaten for breakfast. We had a cup of tea and a chat, and then went for a short walk around her garden. She fatigued quickly and was content to return inside and listen while I read aloud to her from a book of poems from her bookshelf.
1. What life stage is Mrs Bigg likely to be at?
2. Provide at least four factors that may be affecting Mrs Bigg’s appearance and behaviour (be specific).
3. Where and/or from whom could you seek further information about Mrs Bigg to guide your decisions about the actions required in this situation?
4. What questions could you ask Mrs Bigg to help you learn more about her current situation and needs? (provide examples of exact questions you would ask). Explain the appropriate style of questioning.
5. What problems might exist for Mrs Bigg in terms of continuing to provide in-home care?
Answer each question clearly and upload your response.
You must always acknowledge sources and quotations. Failure to do so is considered plagiarism. You MUST include a reference list at the end of your work.

Posted in essay.