case study

case study
please use the instructions below and answer the questions as requested. please use citations not more than 5 years. see attached files for weekly readings. assignment below

Think about your baccalaureate degree education through ISU. Do you feel you are prepared to practice according to the expectations of a bachelor’s prepared nurse? Do you feel you were provided with educational experiences that enable you to have the knowledge of the competencies outlined by the IOM and QSEN? You do not have to write a book, just give a little feedback!
Refer to the article by Inna Popil concerning case studies and the article by Laura Clayton concerning concept mapping from this week’s reading assignment in order to complete part two. There are also resources listed below to help you.

Part two:

Pretend you are precepting a new graduate nurse or a new hire on your unit. Create a case study OR a concept map that pertains to a concept of your choice that will help the new graduate/new hire nurse to learn more about the patients he or she will need to care for on your unit. This concept could be anything ranging from a particular category of medications used often with some examples of drug names, to a patient diagnosis that is often encountered on your unit, to a pathophysiological concept. I am not expecting a masterpiece. I am simply trying to offer you an activity that involves active learning to support critical thinking skills. Be creative and have fun! Attach your case study or concept map to the discussion board, as they may be helpful to others as well.
Information pertaining to concept maps can be found at
Read about how to create a concept map:
Some example of concept maps:
Attached File – Institute of Medicine. (2010). The future of nursing: Focus on education. Retrieved

Attached File – Neuman, L. H., Pardue, K. T., Grady, J. T., Gray, M. T., Hobbins, B., Edelstein, J., & Herrman, J. W. (2009). What does an innovative teaching assignment strategy mean to nursing students? Nursing Education Research, 30(3), 159-163.

Attached File – Clayton, L. H. (2006). Concept mapping:An effective, active teaching-learning method. Nursing Education Perspectives, 27(4),

Attached File – Popil, I. (2011). Promotion of critical thinking by using case studies as teaching method. Nurse Education Today, 31, 204-207.
doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2010.06.002

The articles listed below are for fun reading, but they may be of interest to you as you near completion of your baccalaureate degree. (NOTE: I am not leaving out the LPN, I could not find recent articles I felt applied to this week’s readings that concerned the LPN transition to the baccalaureate degree and BSN prepared nurse)

Delaney, C., & Piscopo, B. (2007). There really is a difference: Nurses’ experiences with transitioning from RNs to BSNs. Journal of Professional Nursing, 23(3), 167-173. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2007.01.011

Conner, N. E., & Thielemann, P. A. (2013). RN-BSN completion programs: Equipping nurses for the future. Nursing Outlook, 61(6), 458-465. doi:

Barnsteiner, J. H., Disch, J. M., Hall, L., Mayer, D., & Moore, S. M. (2007). Promoting interprofessional education. Nursing Outlook, 55(3),144-150. doi: 10.1016/j.outlook.2007.03.003

Guzic, B. L., McIlhenny, C. V.,Knee, D. R., LeMoine, J. K., Wendekier, C. M., Demuth, B. R., Devineni, L., Roberts,J. B., & Bapat, A.(2012). Distance learning and clinical simulation in senior baccalaureate nursing education. Clinical Simulation in Nursing,8(9), e459-e467. doi: 10.1016/j.ecns.2011.04.005

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