Case Study: Grappling with Growth

Read the case study, Grappling with Growth: The innovate use of traditional and new media got marketing to enhance interactions with consumers (Cooper, 2012). The case study investigates the challenges of an Olympic sport attempting to grow its brand, increase attendance, and cultivate its social media followers. While the case study centers on an assistant wrestling coach, you can easily integrate any Olympic sport into your responses.
What are potential strategies that the wrestling program can implement via social media marketing to improve interaction with key stakeholder on a regular basis?
In your new position to the institution, how do you plan on using traditional marketing strategies to reach your goal of having an average attendance of 1,000 for the upcoming season?
What are the differences between the three major social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) and how can your program use them individually and collectively to improve marketing efforts? How would you prioritize which social media platform investment of time and resources?
This 4-6 page paper should include evidence from the Required Studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.
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Cooper, C. (2012). Grappling with growth: The innovative use of traditional and new media marketing to enhance interactions with consumers. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

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