Order Description
This week we will focus on using a CAT to critique three articles. Here is what to do:

1) Find three articles that are central to your EBP practice project.

2) Goto the CAT website above and select a tool THAT SPECIFICALLY is designed to critique the type of articles you have. HINT: Usually goes by type of research method design (i.e. Randomized Control Trial, qualitative, etc). PLEASE NOTE THAT SOME LINKS MIGHT BE BROKEN requiring that you actually have to do a bit of research and find other forms of critical appraisal tools. As such, be creative. Use elements in your textbook as a means by which to critique if you are having trouble.

3) Use the CAT (Critical Appraisal Tool) as a general guide, provide a critique of the articles.

4) Attach your critique in APA format with Title and Reference Pages (NO MORE THAN 3 pages FOR ALL THREE ARTICLES, not including title page and reference page.)
PAPER SHOULD BE RETURNED IN PERFECT APA FORM and grammar in the assignments.

Posted in essay.