Class Discussions

Class Discussions

Paper details:

I am going to attached all the documents on what you need to do and what you need to read.
Please so the readings for this week and answer the following questions: 1) What did you learn about the act of reading literature? 2) What might be 3-4 good questions to ask when starting to read a play? 3) Summarize Act One of the play, briefly describe two characters and discuss the way in which Ibsen appears to be using them in the play. Are they the antagonists? Protagonists? 4) Briefly discuss one or two main themes as you see them appearing in the play thus far.
2) Ask one question for each of the readings 3) Respond to two posts from your peers. Be sure to post your response and then respond to at least two other observations. Your grade will be based on your overall postings. I will be looking at both the depth and the quality of your observations. Here are some additional guidelines regarding postings: Discussion questions on the readings are graded on a 25 point scale. Simply posting a thoughtful response to a question or a thoughtful response to two peer posts will earn you 10 points. Posting a thoughtful response with an original idea and a thoughtful response to two peer’s post will earn you 15 points. Posting a thoughtful response with an original idea as well as a quote or paraphrase from the text (with page number) to back up your response, and a thoughtful response to two peer’s post will earn you the max, 25 points. Using the text with reference to the page number to back up your interpretation is the key to earning the maximum amount of points. In terms of length, most 25-point discussion postings will be two, solid paragraphs total of 100 words or more each, or one paragraph for your original post and at least one other paragraph for each response to your peer.

Posted in essay.