classwork general education capstone

Discussion Prompt #1
Share with the class some data you have collected in your literature reviews. If you have a chart, graph, or other image, you may save it as an image or take a screenshot and attach it to your post, or you may insert it directly in your post. Provide an analysis of the data and explain how the data relates to your hypothesis. Refer to this week’s readings in Research Techniques for Health Sciences for proper use of terminology.

Discussion Prompt #2

You read about and plagiarism in Week 2 and it has no doubt been part of your academic training from the beginning. This week, as you become more engaged with integrating sources with your own ideas, we will revisit the topic. Remember, plagiarism is classified as intentional or unintentional use of another’s words (creative work) or ideas.
Begin by reviewing the examples of plagiarism noted on the following website
Identify one of the high-profile examples to discuss. Do you think the accusations are fair? Do you think the responses (if given) were reasonable? Is there an example here that you find excusable or inexcusable?
Next, think about all of the research and writing you have done thus far. Identify at least one or two ways plagiarism could accidentally occur in your work. What can you do, or have you done, to ensure that you do not inadvertently plagiarize?

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