Community Health Improvement Plan

Community Health Improvement Plan

Order Description
Summary of Community Health Assessment 10 Pts
Evidence-based Intervention Portfolio 50 Pts
Community Health Improvement Partnerships 30 Pts
Writing Style and Format t 10 Pts

Evidence –Based Public Health

Once we have assessed the health of a population, and taken a closer look at the impact of social determinants of health on health equity and disparities, we want to achieve better results! But what works to do better? Which public health interventions have evidence that demonstrates their success?
By now, you have participated and/or watched the faculty presentation on Community Health Improvement Planning, and completed the Study Guide on Community Health Improvement Partnerships. You shared information about your county’s efforts to address the identified primary health concern and hopefully generated conversations that may lead to collaborations for your upcoming Community & Public Health Practicum course health promotion projects.
This week, focus on locating and describing evidence-based approaches to achieve health improvements for your selected primary health concern (from your County Health Assessment). The CDC Community Health Improvement Navigator website has an excellent interactive resource for finding evidence-based solutions.
The Community Health Improvement Plan (Links to an external site.)paper is due this week–it is worth 25% of your course grade!

Posted in essay.