Critical Reflection

Critical Reflection

Order Description
1- Critical Reflection on your Nutrition Education Presentation.
This requires you to discuss how you would change your presentation for future presentation’s. These reflections should be based on the results from your evaluation questionnaire and from your own self-reflection including the video , Recommendations for future modification of session.

from the evalution paper The majority of the feedback was good. The negatives were, it felt rushed, some of our presentation member spoke too quickly, and some of the terms were too complicated , i will send the evalution paper in addition files to have a look .
2. Critical Reflection on Nutrition Education presentation of other groups.
You will also need to constructively discuss the presentation’s of the other groups (both practice and real one). Include what worked well as well as what could have been changed to facilitate better learning for the participants. provide recommendations for further improvement

3.Reflection on Current Nutrition Programmes available in the Community
In Weeks 12 and 13 (or as otherwise scheduled subject to presenters availablity) of the course there will be presentation on nutrition programmes that exist in our community; you will need to discuss
1. How your nutrition talks in this course compare with those in the community
2. What skills, knowledge and professional develpopment you would require as an employee for each of these positions/programmes . Reflects on the Nutrition health programmes available in the community
Compares group nutrition education talks to those available in the community
Describes skills and professional development required as an employee for each of these positions/programmes

this some comment on the presentation programs if you need it .
Hi All
I just wanted to send an email out to all of you to let you know how impressed I have been overall with the quality of talks that have been prepared for the public. I know many of you have been ‘pushed’ out of your comfort zones, but you have performed well. I am so looking forward to the real ones.

Even more impressive was the short talks you all did in the workshop this week, I was so impressed with the techniques that were used: from sound to lights to getting people to move in close, to short plays. These all created a change in the atmosphere of the room – I hope that in the future that this may inspire you to use these techniques to engage whoever you may be talking with in the future. You used techniques that even I have not considered or seen before, so well done, and I am really proud and happy to say that I learnt something from you all.
Big thank-you to all of you.

Posted in essay.