critically assessing the problems associated with employing expatriates together with some of the solutions to these problems.

critically assessing the problems associated with employing expatriates together with some of the solutions to these problems.


Write an essay critically assessing the problems associated with employing expatriates together with some of the solutions to these problems.

Include appropriate examples drawn from a selection of literature or your own experience.

Use the accompanying research papers for references in addition to others of your choosing.

• Hasleberger, A. And Brewster, C. (2009) Capital Gains: Expatriate adjustment and the Psychological Contract in International Careers. Human Resource Management, May–June 2009, Vol. 48, No. 3, Pp. 379– 397.

• Kraimer, M.L., Shaffer, M.A., Harrison, D.A. and Ren, H.(2012 ) No Place Like Home? An Identity Strain Perspective on Repatriate Turnover. Academy of Management Journal 2012, Vol. 55, No. 2, 399–420.

• Takeuchi, R. (2010) A Critical Review of Expatriate Adjustment Research Through a Multiple Stakeholder View: Progress, Emerging Trends, and Prospects. Journal of Management 2010 36: 1040 originally published online 26 January 2010.

• Tungli, Z and Peiperl, Y. (2009) Expatriate Practices in German, Japanese, U.K., and U.S. Multinational Companies: a Comparative Survey of Changes. Human Resource Management, January–February 2009, Vol. 48, No. 1, Pp. 153– 17.
You will be expected to demonstrate that you:

1. Are familiar with and able to critically review the relevant literature on international HRM, international/global management and intercultural working.
2. Have a critical understanding of the role and contributions of international managers in the organisation, recruitment and selection procedures for different countries.
3. Have a critical understanding of the capabilities, qualities and conditions that various studies report as being important to the role and effective functioning of an international/global team leader/manager.
4. Have an appreciation of the specific organisational strategies and interventions that can be used to ensure international managers are fit for the role, as well as those that can ameliorate/or limit the impact of potential challenges an international manager might face e.g. selection methods, pre-departure briefings and training, cultural competence skills development.

Learning Outcome Assessed

The learning outcomes being assessed relate to the following Knowledge Indicators in the MID:

Knowledge Indicators

Different aspects of national culture, their sources and implications for international organisations.
Methodologies of expatriation practice; selection, decision making, preparation, adjustment, repatriation; reasons for failure.
The contributors to and different aspects of national culture, the implications for organisations and:
• Issues in cross cultural communication
• Operating under different cultural models
• Acknowledging & assimilating difference using appropriate communication media

Assessment Criteria:

1. Introduction: Identify nature & scope of topic critically and thoroughly (10%)

2. Literature Review: Demonstrate clear understanding of relevant theories, concepts and issues, and use of the relevant academic literature (30%). Literature should be integrated across the essay rather than in a section on itself.
3. Analysis & Discussion: Present strong and critical analysis and discussion well-grounded in literature (35%)
4. Conclusions & Recommendations: Summarise the assignment thoroughly and critically, and provide appropriate recommendations (15%)
5. Presentation: Convey all information clearly and completely with logical order and make use of approved academic referencing style (10 %)

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