Cultural and Ethnic Studies
This critical review is based on a weekly topic of your choice. You must review the readings from one week only. Your review will be 5 pages max and will be worth 15%. QUESTION -How does Popular Writing relate to Popular culture when trying to understand Africa? In your critical review you will assess the articles you are reviewing as they relate to the topic at hand. First you will identify the weaknesses and strength of each article on the terms each article has set up for itself. You will then try to identify how each article contributes to the topic we are discussing. Third, you will discuss the essay in relation to the status of the topic within African Studies. You should demonstrate knowledge of the topic as it relates to the scholarly literature, and show how the essay enhanced your understanding of the scholarly debates. READINGS TO USE: “Introduction ” in the book Readings in African Popular Culture by Karin Barber (textbook): pages 1-12.
” The World in Creolization ” by Ulf Hannerz in the book Readings in African Popular Culture by Karin Barber (textbook) pages 12-18.
” Popular Culture in Africa: Findings and Conjectures” by Johannes Fabian in the book Readings in African Popular Culture by Karin Babrer (textbook) pages 18-28.