Customer Focus Principle in TQM
Order Description
1. Explore the literature to understand the customer focus principle ( Enablers and results ) in TQM based organizations ( You can use search strings such as Customer Focus and TQM ; Customer focus and EFQM ;Customer focus and National quality awards; customer focus and Business Excellence Framework etc)
2. Tabulate the best practices in this area
3. Discuss your view points as to how the customer related practices impact the customer results and the overall organizational performance in TQM based organizations.
4. Choose 25-30 relevant papers for high ranked journals
5. Journals to choose are:
A. International journal of operations and productivity Mgt
B. Journal of Operations Management
C. The TQM journal
D. Journal of reliability and Quality Management
E. Total quality management and business excellence
F. Measuring business excellence
6. Articles must also be from 2009-2015 ; with the exception of two articles from any other journal
7. Title your essay appropriately
8. Structure of the report
a. Introduction
b. Background/ Literature Review
i. Summary of main findings
ii. Table of best practices
c. Discussions
i. Brief analysis on the findings
ii. Your view points
iii. Future directions
iv. Recommendations
d. Conclusions
e. References
Make sure to chose the papers from above mentioned journals only and not to have any copy-paste action as the essay will be uploaded into Turnitin system which will not accept more than 15%.