Topic: Cyberwarfare
Paper details:
Using the scenarios provided in each task, you will compose each of the three components of a cyberwarfare defense report. Your report should be formatted in Arial 12-point font and double spaced. The defense report in its entirety should be written for the Department of Defense (DoD) Chief Information Officer (CIO). The defense report has been broken into three tasks, each task should be submitted independently for scoring. For this task, you will write the cyberwarfare portion of the defense report.
You are a cybersecurity analyst that is part of the security team at Red Cell 637 Defense, a DoD contractor specializing in cyber operations and defensive strategies.
High-ranking federal government officials inform your team that recent intelligence shows an advanced persistent threat (APT) is looking at exploiting vulnerabilities against the computers that operate the Western Interconnection power grid. You are to assume that this APT originates from either a well-funded nation state or terrorist group. The APT has been able to probe and map the network over the course of several months. The officials have given your team access to classified intelligence indicating that the currently unidentified group may be planning to install malicious malware within the grid’s computer network that will disrupt power to eleven states.
Your team has been asked to work closely with the DoD, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and other federal stakeholders to strengthen the security and safety of the power grid and its related computer information systems.
The DoD has requested a review of cyberwarfare history related to critical infrastructures and power generation. As part of this report, you will determine who the likely cyberattacker is and create a complete profile of the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP), cyber-related capabilities and motivation, as well as the physical and logical access of this cyberattacker.