Discussion #8 (CJ)
Paper details:
The media is often criticized for the way it reports on certain events. Analyze the way the media reported on this incident/video (https://youtu.be/tUxJIjCLGHY). How could the media’s reporting of this incident shape public opinion, and what impact might this have on the officers and the departments involved. What should the relationship between the criminal justice system and the media be, and can this relationship be beneficial to the criminal justice system?
Apply the following sources where applicable:
• Patterson (Crucial Conversations), “Afterword.”
• Chermak, Steven, and Alexander Weiss, “Maintaining Legitimacy Using External Communication Strategies: An Analysis of Police-Media Relations,” Journal of Criminal Justice 33:5, 501-512.
• Heverin, Thomas, and Lisl Zach, “Twitter for City Police Department Information Sharing,” Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 47:1, 1-7.