Early Childhood Curriculum.

Chapter 9 and 10

Paper details:

Text: Early Childhood Curriculum. A Child’s Connection to the World. Read assigned chapters carefully. The purpose of this assignment is to help you analyze and apply readings from the text to the context of your experiences as a learner and practitioner in an early education setting. The text and reflections will help you develop a Biblical worldview through the integration of faith and learning and the early nurturing and foundations for moral development in young children.
Format for Text Reflective Questions

• 12 pt. font Times New Roman
• Use of APA style for quoting/citing sources from text

Successful Reflective Responses will:
• Summarize the chapters in your own words (first two paragraphs)
• Reflection (1.5 pages) Use the text as a resource, but be reflective using personal perspective
• Use proper citation when quoting text (see APA example)
• Include personal and professional applications about the chapter and whether or not you agree/disagree with the concepts discussed in the chapter.
• Integrate a Christian worldview throughout the assignment and include relatable Biblical scripture/passages.

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