As a closure to this course, all participants of this class must submit a PR article that is reflexive in nature, assimilating elements of the Public Relations principles, concepts or theories you have learnt or been exposed to , and observations that yo
Paper details:
Assignment brief:
As a closure to this course, all participants of this class must submit a PR article that is reflexive in nature, assimilating elements of the Public Relations principles, concepts or theories you have learnt or been exposed to , and observations that you have noted.
The Subject Topic: Word count – 500 words (minimum 450 words, maximum 550 words), with cover sheet and assessment.
It can be on any aspect of Public Relations in practice, reflective in nature, written with wit, sarcasm or in a critical tone if you so wish, complete with a headline (controversial or otherwise). It is an article to showcase your understanding and observations of society’s enigmas. Some thought jotters – shared in class, perhaps food for thought that PR can help change society for the better. Not entirely exhaustive…
1. How PR is used and abused by politicians, celebrities, and unethical MARCOM companies.
2. Social media addiction – boon or bane to productivity, personal relationships , company productivity.
3. End of (real) human communication with Millennials gravitating towards their gadgets!
4. A challenge to the two step flow theory: Do celebrities help the cause or their own popularity?
5. CSR misrepresents and masks the organisation’s misdeeds, white washing, etc
… and many others that you can think of.
Assessment Criteria:
Student No: Word Count:
1. Comprehensive content, deep reflection, insights & …../60
Interesting/unique point of view
2. Quality of English writing, grammar, tenses, word precision …../40