Employee Motivation to Circumvent Chain of Command

Employee Motivation to Circumvent Chain of Command

Paper details:

Please use writer that prepared order 659195, 639002, and 635909. These slides will continue from those orders. These slides will be added to powerpoint that is attached to this order. please use it to complete this order
PowerPoints that go with the Presentation.
The format for the PowerPoint slides will be consistent with the guidelines from the Basic PowerPoint exercise.
Your PowerPoints should include:
a title slide (attached)
an overview slide (attached)
an ID footer
slide numbers
a customized template for your subject (made by you from scratch for your subject)
a summary slide
at least one chart slide (same that you used in essay)
an auto shape slide
I want you to complete the note pages that accompany your PowerPoint slides with the full text that you would use for a formal presentation of your topic. In addition, I want you to include in-text parenthetical citations of your reference material in the note pages.
When you are typing in your notes, keep a few items in mind:
You need a well developed opening that includes your name
You should cover the highlights for each slide; however, you do not need to review all the information on the slide (i.e. a table or chart does not have to have all the numbers reviewed in the discussion). You should include transitional statements that help the reader move from one slide to the next. You should have a well developed closing for the presentation.

Posted in essay.