Establishing a Knowledge Management Strategy for Broadview Limited

Establishing a Knowledge Management Strategy for Broadview Limited

Paper details:

Subject – Information Management (IM) Mini Project Work

Required Guidelines for the Literature Review

Take note of the following general guidelines for writing a literature review which is sourced from a prescribed research methodology textbook; “Practical Research Planning and Design” (2013) – Authors: Leedy and Ormrod. Publishers: Pearson
Leedy and Ormrod (2013) comment as follows:
Too many literature reviews do nothing more than focus on what other people have done and said. Example: In 1995, Jones found that such-and-such…..Also, Smith (1998) discovered that such-and-such……….Black (2006) proposed that so-on-and-so-forth…
Nothing new is learned from such a review; we would be better off reading the original books, etc, for ourselves.

In a good literature review, the researcher does not merely report the related literature. The researcher also evaluates, organizes, and synthesizes what others have done.

Perhaps the most important aspect involves synthesizing what you have learned from your review – in other words, you must pull together the diverse perspectives and research results you have read into a cohesive whole. Some examples include:

• Show how approaches to the topic have changed over time
• Compare and contrast varying theoretical perspectives on the topic (problem)
• Describe general trends in research findings
• Identify discrepant or contradictory findings, and suggest possible explanations for such discrepancies
• Identify general themes that run throughout the literature

Note: One thing to remember when conducting a literature review is that you need to demonstrate your critical thinking ability and therefore you need to ensure that you compare (similarities) and contrast (differences) when reviewing the research and conceptual thinking of various authors and researchers. A good literature review must be both sufficiently wide and sufficiently deep in terms of scope when you are reviewing literature. There must also always be a clear and observable link back to the Problem Statement, which demonstrates the “relevance” of the literature being reviewed.
A recommended text book for this study is: Management Information Systems, Managing the Digital Firm, 13th Edition, Laudon, and Laudon, 2014, Pearson Education Limited. You may cite relevant portions on the topic of study or topic from this book.

A detailed requirement with thematic areas, sample writing style with background to the study, problem statement, objectives and research question is attached for your attention (filename is “SpeedyPaper Submission – IM Assignment – KM.pdf”)

Sources may be limited to total of 40: Between 30 – 40 sources is sufficient.

Other relevant sources/materials has also been attached for use.

Posted in essay.