Ethical Principles Vignettes (EPAS 2.1.2c)

Ethical Principles Vignettes (EPAS 2.1.2c)

Order Description
Ethical Principles Vignettes (EPAS 2.1.2c)
Students will demonstrate an ability to critique ethical principles within complex practice environments by analyzing case vignettes about ethical issues in supervision and writing about how they would apply the principles to appropriately address the issue with supervisees. Students will be required to cite specific sections of the NASW Code of Ethics to support their analysis and conclusions about the most ethical resolution of the issues. The analysis is to be written in essay format using correct APA format.
Read the 4 ethical vignettes concerning supervision. These vignettes are from Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice by Dolgoff, Harrington and Loewenberg 2011. Also read the helpful hints handout.
Vignette One

Vignette Two

Vignette Three- on this page there are two vignettes; pick one.

Vignette Four
All will be uploaded

Write at least a one page analysis of each vignette describing the ethical issues in the scenario, citing the pertinent sections of the NASW Code of Ethics to support your analysis. There should be at least three standards minimum cited in each vignette analysis. You do not need to take up space with quotes of the whole text of the code section, just mention the number of the appropriate standard and the title of that standard.
Include in your essay your conclusions about the most ethical resolution of the issues, again citing the Code of Ethics to support your rationale.

Posted in essay.