Final Assessment for Marketing Management

Final Assessment for Marketing Management

The concepts learned (and referred to below) are all based on the following text book ‘Sustainable Marketing’ by Diane Martin and John Schouten.

Please be sure to cite this text book as one of the main sources several times.

The Interim paper referred to below was completed on Starbucks and assisted by your firm. I am indifferent if you use Starbucks or another company but it may make sense to leverage the interim paper.

Feedback on the interim paper from the professor was as follows:

“I am well pleased with your paper and its contents. We’ll need a lot more segmentation and competition in the final, but you are well on the way to a good final paper”
This professor requests Harvard referencing and ‘prefers’ citations at the end of paragraphs when possible. I recognize this is not always achievable.

For the final assessment you are to choose your own case study: Pick a company – or even a not-for-profit organisation – and describe and critique its marketing. It may be the same organisation that you chose for the interim, or it may not be. The organisation you choose to analyse may be large or small, private or publicly-quoted. We put no bounds other than it must have a marketing activity. Then apply to your chosen organisation as many of the concepts covered in this module as you can. You may recall in summary the concepts you use, but do not spend long describing the concept – we need you to apply it.

We are not going to list out the key concepts here, but we shall have a list of them against which we shall be grading your paper. Nevertheless, three key words will be “marketing”, “management” and “sustainability”

Any outside sources you call upon or refer to will need citations. Be sure to use the Harvard convention when presenting both the citations and the bibliography. Your bibliography should contain all the sources that you have referenced and only those.

You would be well advised to watch the video on academic writing and to apply it. Grade input will include structure of your essay and quality of writing.

Remember, we are looking neither for a monograph on marketing management, nor for a series of definitions, nor for a summary of the material covered in the module.

Instead we are looking for application to a particular case of your choosing, presented in a well-structured and well-written way.

Overall we shall be marking:

• Application of the concepts covered in the module (this will be subdivided into concepts covered)
• Citations and bibliography
• Quality as an essay
Key concepts for marking
(for our marking grid only)

1. Differentiation and Competitive advantage
2. Commoditisation and Total Product and Solution offering
3. Branding
4. Ps and Cs
5. Managing, especially the service element
6. Experiential marketing; Customer relations and experience management
7. Role of IT
8. Pricing and cost structure
9. Stakeholders and triple bottom line
10. Sustainability in business model
First Thoughts on Marking Grid:

Description Weight
1 Differentiation and Competitive advantage 10
2 Commoditisation and Total Product and Solution offering 5
3 Branding 10
4 Ps and Cs 10
5 Managing, especially the service element 10
6 Experiential marketing; Customer relations and experience management 5
7 Role of IT 10
8 Pricing and cost structure 10
9 Stakeholders and triple bottom line 5
10 Sustainability in business model 5
11 Layout of paper, structure and flow of argument; use of English 10
12 Bibliography and citations 10
Total 100

Posted in essay.