Genogram and Culturgram

Genogram and Culturgram
Order Description

Genograms are pictorial representations of family relationships that are often used to help clients recognize qualities of relationships, repetitive patterns of behavior, and hereditary tendencies. For this assignment, you will create a genogram of a classmate’s family based on the instructions below:

During the first class session, you will conduct an interview with a classmate that will become the basis for the creation of at least a 3 generation genogram. For this assignment, the genogram AND a 2-3 page narrative (double-spaced, 12 point font, APA referencing, if necessary) summarizing the information gathered during the interview must be turned in for full credit consideration. You must also provide a copy of the finalized genogram for your classmate. Please clearly label your genogram with your name as the creator and your classmate’s name as the interviewee.

The interview you conduct should elicit at least the following information: names, gender, birth dates or ages, birth places, death dates, occupations, LGBT, marriages, domestic partnerships, divorces, separations, adoptions, and physical or mental health issues. Feel free to add anything else that is pertinent. With your interviewee, identify two of the family relationships and gather information about the quality of those relationships. As the interviewee, only divulge information that you are comfortable sharing.

On the genogram that you will create, use the appropriate symbols for all of the information gathered including the quality of the two identified relationships.

Between class sessions 1 and 2, create the final version of your classmate’s genogram. Try using Genopro, Smartdraw or any other relevant program to create the genogram. A neat, well-constructed hand-drawn genogram is also acceptable.

Culturagrams are tools to help you reflect upon and assess the sociocultural context of a family and its role in shaping a family’s functioning.

For this assignment, you will construct a culturagram of your own family based on the 10 areas outlined in the Congress & Kung article. You may choose to talk to members of your family to gather the information. If you are unable to obtain certain information, report it as unknown. As with the genogram, only include information that you are comfortable sharing. This assignment will be read by the instructor only. You may use Word or another program to construct your culturagram or you may hand-draw it.

Along with the culturagram, you must submit a 3-5 page narrative (double-spaced, 12 point font, APA referencing, if necessary) in which you reflect on the process and utility of creating culturagrams and your reaction to looking at your unique family history. Consider responding to the following questions in your paper:

1. What was this experience like for you? Include the results of any conversations you had with relatives. What reactions did they have to your questions about your family?

2. What themes of strength, overcoming adversity, losses, family secrets, etc. did you discover? What impact have these had on your family’s relationships, functioning, etc.?

3. How might you use culturagrams in your practice? What specific advantages and limitations do culturagrams have?

4. Feel free to add any other information you believe is relevant being mindful of the page limit.

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