Gluten-free benefits vs. risks

Gluten-free benefits vs. risks

Paper details:

Argumentative Research Essay Assignment ??
Format :
?Snappily entitled, typewritten, double-spaced, properly formatted (standard margins, 12-point print, standard font), and 1,200-1,500 words long (approximately 4-5 pages)
Words that uses MLA documentation – both internal citations and a works cited page. ??
Topic :
Any significant public issue that is related to food and/or health and about which there is reasoned and impassioned argument. This means that you must be able to show that your position has a coherent and credible opposition.

Audience : ?
College-educated adults familiar with and interested in your topic, but undecided and skeptical.

?Purpose :
?To persuade your skeptical readers that your position is factually, logically, and morally defensible
??Research ?:
– A minimum of six sources representing at least four separate individuals and publications should be used and cited in this paper.
– At least five of your sources should be news articles, journal articles, opinion pieces, or selections from book-length works. These sources do not have to be in paper format. That is, they can be found on the Internet.
– Wikipedia should not be used as a source, although you may use it to lead you to other sources.
– At least one of your sources should directly and credibly represent your opposition.
– You must cite your sources according to current MLA guidelines.
Please avoid plagiarism in all of its forms. If you even suspect that you may have inadvertently plagiarized, please consult with me before you turn in your final draft.
??Reminders ?:
1.) Take an authoritative stance, but do so without sounding arrogant or preachy. In taking this authoritative stance, you will want to avoid frequent use of such phrases as, “In my opinion” and “I think.”
??2.) Use your introduction to engage your reader’s interest, establish the relevance of your topic, provide any necessary background information, and clearly announce your thesis.
??3.) Make sure that your evidence is up-to-date and relevant and that your reasoning is sound.??
4.) Anticipate your opposition’s strongest objections and respond to them.
5.) Make concessions to the opposition wherever it seems reasonable and wherever such concessions will not seriously undermine the basis for your own position.

Posted in essay.