Good practice in post-compulsory education and training

Good practice in post-compulsory education and training
Order Description
Write an academic report (essay-style) on good practice for teachers in the sector, capturing generic good practice (i.e. what all teachers need to know and do) and subject specialist good practice (i.e. what teachers in your subject area need to know and do). As a starting point, you will ensure that you have explained where our notions of ‘good practice’ in adult learning and teaching come from.

You will draw specific examples from your own professional practice – planning, learning, teaching, assessment, resources, communication, behaviour and classroom management – to support a discussion of your own practice and how it aligns to ‘good practice’. You will have carried on building your e-Portfolio to showcase your practical teaching, personal reflection and self-evaluation; you will now signpost to this Practice Evidence to support the points being made.

Posted in essay.