Gulliver's travels

What is your impression of the people of Lilliput at the beginning of the story? Does your impression change at the end of the story? If so, how? What does the author do to make the reader change his or her opinion? Discuss your responses to the questions by writing a persuasive essay, supported by specific facts from the story

You need five well-written, organized ones. First you need an intro that mentions title and author and summarizes the story in one sentence, then mention the prompt and then create a thesis.

“Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift is a story about _________. Gulliver meets the Lilliputians on their island. The reader can make judgments about these people throughout the story. My opinion of the Lilliputians changed from __________ to _____________ at the end because of _____, _____, and _____.” <---this is how an intro is formed. Then, your body paragraphs will talk about the 3 reasons why your opinion changed--those 3 reasons will be those blanks in the intro. Gulliver's Travels “Gulliver’s Travels” is a novel that belongs to different literature genre. Itisanadventurenovel, apamphlet,and,atthesametime,anovelwithcertainanti-utopiancharacteristics. Swift’s imagination in this novel does not have any limit, he created a unique work with the elements of fantasy. While reading “Gulliver’s Travels”, readers travel along the book with its main hero, Gulliver, which theorist of literature often compare with Odysseus. The readers explore the countries he gets to, the traditions and customs, weird characters and mentality of its inhabitants. His first country appeared to be the Lilliput, where people are very small, almost tiny. It is worth mentioning, that in this first part of the novel from the very beginning Swift transmits with the tremendous accuracy the feelings of loneliness, fear in front of the unknown and inner enchainment of the person who for the first time arrives to the other land, to the other country. At the beginning of the story I liked the Lilliputians. They seemed naïve, kind and funny. The respect they have shown to Gulliver becomes friendship . As Gulliver is a kind, generous, simple and naïve man, he does not even think of some hidden benefit the emperor and his court get from him. Gulliver is always well fed, well dressed and well treated. Indeed, the people seem nice and kind, they are calm and live their own quiet life; they respect the government and do not really judge it. While reading the beginning of the story the reader do not suspect anything. Things are not likely to change at all. Nevertheless, if you look more attentively, you will notice the faults fast enough to understand this is just a decoration. So what hides behind? True intentions become obvious only in time of need, in time of crucial conflict when all the rage comes out and the author makes is very clear. My impressions have changed since the moment I understood what the Lilliputians’ truly intentions were. First of all, the political conflicts about the size of the hills seem nonsensical and absurd. Moreover, the war with the neighboring country because of the eggs seems pointless as well. Nevertheless, if to think straight, is it not the nature of all the political conflicts? It cannot but repulse me as a reader form the Lilliputians. Johnathan Swift first shows them as greedy, impudent and ruthless people regarding their deeds and their thoughts. Gulliver cannot understand the sense of these conflicts, thus he becomes a threat. From the history it is known that any kind of force and strength introduces potential danger for the government just because it is uncontrollable. Despite the fact that Gulliver’s deeds are good, they are turned against him. Therefore, it appears the ambitions of Lilliputians are far more enormous than I could suppose. I was disappointed when I realized how quickly and painlessly the Lilliputians become cruel, judgmental and evil people who invent the ugly ways to punish Gulliver. The cynic offer of Gulliver’s best friend among the Lilliputians is a real treachery that deeply hurts poor hero. It cannot but remind me that human kind repeats its history on and on, and Johnathan Swift was clever enough to notice and to reveal it in “Gulliver’s Travel”.

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