Gun control- Research project and components

Gun control- Research project and components

Paper details:

The research project for IDS 1000 is based on a social problem in contemporary America. The choice of topic is up to you, although your instructor has the final approval. You will need to think like a social scientist. Your examination of the subject must be done objectively. You have learned the difficulties that of social science research presents in Chapter 2. Personal opinion and experience must not come into play. You may want to choose a topic to which you have no attachment.

In this project you will be examining your topic through the various lenses of the social sciences: Anthropology, Sociology, History, Politics, Economics, and Psychology.You will select three of these areas (lenses) for your research.

For each area (lens) you will:

summarize two articles that pertain to both the topic and the particular social science lens
write an APA formatted, 3-5 page (900-1500 words) summary of the social problem you selected through that lens.
This means that you will be writing 3 short papers; one paper per lens.For each lens you will need to use at least two substantive and credible resources to support your work.
When applicable, your research will include the subjects of race, gender, poverty, violence, and crime.
The librarians are all aware of this project and are wonderfully helpful. I encourage you to work with any and all of them in the process of this project. There is a Course Guide for this research project in the library.

Important aspects to keep in mind:

Your research must be conducted without bias. Your sources must be objective and without attempt to convince the reader to a point of view or to further a political or social agenda.
There will be a 10% penalty for any work that is submitted later than 1 week after the due date.
Purpose: To examine a social problem or issue through 3 different social sciences lenses. This problem can

be national, regional, or local in scope

Topic submission
Week 3
50 points
References summary #1
Week 5

100 points each reference worksheet
Lens #1 – Paper
Week 6
APA formatted: include title page, citations, and references page

References summary #2
Week 8

100 points each reference worksheet
Lens #2 – Paper

Week 9
APA formatted: include title page, citations, and references page

Reference summary #3
Week 11

100 points each reference worksheet

Lens #3 – Paper

Week 12 –
APA formatted: include title page, citations, and references page
300 points
Week 13
250 points

Posted in essay.