Health Equity Funds impact evaluation in Cambodia in 2014
Paper details:
Hi! I am writing a master thesis about the impact of Health Equity Funds (HEF) in Cambodia. It is a cross-sectional study as I only need to analyse it for the year 2014. So it is strictly said not even an impact evaluation but just a study to observe the effectiveness of HEF. I have already written the introduction and theoretical framework, however I have no clue and struggling with doing the data analysis in Stata and write the methodology, results and discussion part. I have specified two research questions: one considers the effectiveness of targeting of HEF (so are the poor actually covered by the HEF and not the non-poor) and what is the effect of HEF on health care utilization and out of pocket payments. I have received a huge data set from my supervisor but I have no idea how I should operationalize my outcome variables and what statistical methods to use so that it shows the effectiveness. My supervisor advised me to use a logistic regression analysis, but before that I need to prep the data set a bit, so change all the missing variable, but I have no idea how to do that. Therefore I am asking for help with the statistical data analysis in Stata and with writing the methodology. I prefer high quality over quantity and someone that is able to come up with creative ways to analyse my research questions with the data set I provide. I would really appreciate it if I could be helped with this. Thanks in advance!
I use the DHS Cambodia 2014 data
My supervisor advised me to use household level data and not household member data, because individual level would not be appropiate.