Homicides Amoungst African Americans by the Criminal Justice System
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Making the case for your study:
Forget that you are at the very beginning of the preparatory work for a future doctoral dissertation. Instead, pretend that you are writing a regular seven to ten page research paper for a graduate course.
First, complete all the assigned readings and view the video. Next, start creating a clear narrative about the area /arena of interest for your study by selecting a topic in which you have a deep interest or one that you would like to explore further. It is strongly recommended that you select an area of interest that will also serve as a topic for your future doctoral dissertation.
The seven to ten page narrative should include:
a. A name for the topic
b. A general statement on the topic
c. The benefits of researching this topic
d. Recent developments that make this topic important, interesting or urgent
e. Current issues or concerns raised by the topic
f. Measures that have been used to address the issues or concerns (if any)
g. Level of success these measures provided,
h. Inadequacies, gaps, or common features of the measures used in resolving issues or concerns raised by this topic
i. The specific intervention or research action you propose to undertake to resolve the issues, address the inadequacies or enhance the benefits