Human Resource Development Proposal

Human Resource Development Proposal
Order Description
Assignment Objectives:

1. To apply knowledge of the important organisational development concepts and demonstrate this knowledge in the assignment through the design of a feasible and conceptually informed model.

2. To apply knowledge of unit material in a real world context by linking relevant concepts to real world examples.

3. To learn to consistently integrate links (references/citations) of relevant unit material in a way that supports points 1 and 2 above. A failure to consistently cite unit material and readings will incur considerable penalties to the overall grade.

Using all the resources in your readings and textbook, plan, design, and show how you would evaluate an original training or HRD program that you might use in your organization or in an organisation you are very familiar with (Cummings & Worley 2015, chapters 2; 5; 6; 7; 8; and 9 – should be essential and then any of chapters 10-20 depending on the type of program you design should be very important).

Your assignment should include the following (and all must be linked to relevant unit material):

• Title and brief description of the program;
• Program objectives and rationale (a well articulated needs analysis required here);
• Discussion on how the program will be implemented and how it may benefit employees and the organization;
• Training methods or HRD practices to be used, and a rationale (justification) for using them, based on HRD theory;
• A training outline and a tentative list and description of training materials needed (where relevant);
• An evaluation plan (including both short-term and long-term evaluation, where appropriate (Chapter 9 of Cummings & Worley 2015 is essential here).
employed, you may wish to describe and discuss a program that is being used in your organisation but you must link all your writing to MM333 material.

Posted in essay.