Identity Theft and Fraud
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Policy Implications:
Since you have done such an excellent job and my time running short, could you please expand on the two hypotheses you proposed in the Research Design which I will copy below and then using any case law as well as peer review journal articles propose new laws, programs, or polices. Also, please include a section about current laws, programs, or polices in place regarding online identity theft.
H1: Routine online activities have positive influences on the differences in victimization during identity theft.
H2: The relationship between routine online activities and identity theft is directly related to the development of privacy policies, criminal justice strategies, and laws.
In this section, you should assume your proposed research study finds support for your underlying hypotheses, and then discuss the policy/program implications of this research. Describe the policy implications in sufficient detail. If applicable, discuss any legal/constitutional concerns that may surround the policy you have identified. For example, if you were to propose mandatory birth control among known offenders so that they cannot have children who may also become offenders, then you should discuss any possible legal challenges the proposal might face for violating civil liberties. Cite case law as needed.