Intergrated Case Study Analysis, Final MBA Project, title to be created, based on case study provided

Intergrated Case Study Analysis, Final MBA Project, title to be created, based on case study provided

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MBA Integrated Case Study Analysis, Final Project
Suggested to be written as a consultant to Management in first person

Create a title for research
Table of contents

Chapter 1
Introduction (to state rationale, research questions and Aims and objectives). Case study analysis importance, how is it going to help a company. Background of case. Research problems to be found in the case study provided (statements of problems), choose suitable subjects (eg. International business, Human resources, Marketing, Strategic Management, Finance) based on found problems of company- 3-4 subjects to be chosen, for each subject 4 problems stated, for each problem one model used for analysis.
Statement of problem- research question- research aim and objectives SMART
All based on subjects and questions of study.
Significance of case study, how is it going to help the company and myself.
Structure of case study
1200-1400 words

Chapter 2
Case brief. Description of the situation, Assumptions and scope of the study. Diagrams, graphs, figures, included presenting company situation.
600-800 words

Chapter 3
This chapter should clearly state the problem in the case study and outline the plan of analysis, identify and explain concepts, models and techniques to be applied(with due referencing) sources of data, and ethical issues.
Problem statement and plan of analysis (can include a one diagram presenting for what problem, what model is going to be used).
Each problem have to have an appropriate model for analysis (provide a diagram representing model), each model (diagram) has to have a 5 sources of it as well as critical review of model using 4 authors (references)- 2 positive, 2 negative.
Chapter has to be organised way mentioned below
1. Subject
• List the problem
• Diagram (model) (5 sources of it)
• Critical review of model used (4 authors, 2 positive, 2 negative)
• Research methodology
And so on for all 12-15 problems
1800- 2000 words

Chapter 4
Analysis and findings.
This chapter should include application of analytical techniques stated in chapter 3, address alternative scenarios, include relevant analysis of data and record the findings from the analysis. Resource availability and constraints should be appraised.
Chapter to be organised this way:
Each problem- analysis- findings
And so on..
1800- 2000 words

Chapter 5
This section is clear assessment of the analysis, made in a report to the management and you need to state your business plan, as from consultant, taking into account the findings in chapter 4. It should also discuss critical assumptions in the analysis. Finally assess its implications and acceptability to various stakeholders.
Proposed solution to problem; recommendations, limitations of the analysis.
Each problem- solution- recommendations- action plan
And so on for all 12-15 problems
2400- 2600 words

Chapter 6
Application of learning, findings on another company from any industry showing transfer of learning, analysed with different models!! (plagiarism).
Presenting implementation for stakeholders
3600-3800 words

Posted in essay.