Interview with a Manager
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important assignment. This Paper does and analysis on an Interview with a manager a business manager. The assignment will have a cover page (which I will create), There is a required format which is spelled out in the assignment document. NOTE – Line Spacing for this assignment is 1.5, justified paragraphs and 1: margins, numbered pages, Times New Roman and font size 12. The paper has three parts. The company overview (one page), the second part which is the Question and Answer part of the interview ( this part is provided, the page count is how ever many pages it takes to format) and the third part which is the analysis, this part should be four to five pages. The objective is to try and link the interview answers and link them back to the book and provide and analysis. IMPORTANT – You will need to use the Text Book ROBBINS COULTER Management 13th Edition, Chapters 1 through 11 are the reference chapters.