Luke 22:14-38 Passover Meal
Order Description
The exegetical paper on Luke 22:14-38 “The Last Supper” should be set out appropriately, with an introduction, a clearly structured body in which you synthesise your exegetical findings in a coherent manner, and a conclusion (in which you may reflect upon or apply your exegetical findings to your current context). Your exegesis should attend to the most important of the following issues for your chosen passage:
1. historical and literary context;
2. literary form and structure;
3. relation to synoptic parallel(s);
4. socio-cultural and religious dimensions of the text;
5. and distinctive theological terms, motifs or themes.
You should not give verse-by-verse notes on the passage. An exegesis is to be composed on the 6 main components of the passage ie;
1. The Passover meal (Lk 22:14-18).
2. The institution of the Lord’ supper (Lk 22:19-20).
3. Jesus’ announcement of His betrayal (Lk 22:21-23).
4. Disputes among the disciples(Lk 22:24-30).
5. Jesus’ announcement of Peter’s denial (Lk 22:31-34).
6. God’s provision promised (Lk 22:35-38).
A significant number of scholarly sources should be consulted, including commentaries and relevant scholarly literature. Your referencing should be correct and consistent.