Management of organization discussion 3

Management of organization discussion 3

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Read Module 3: High Performance Organizations
Include: overview 3, high performance organization PDF, high performance organizations
And write reflection of following questions:
You must first read the “Overview” for this module. Make sure you have read ALL of the content required for High Performance Organizations (HPO)

If you have work experience, this first part may be easier.

Question I: What organizational improvement initiative have you had experience with either in your job or have knowledge of second hand. If you have no experience, ask a parent or friend; they will no doubt have one to share. What was the goal? What were the results and what was the experience like?

Question II: Briefly explain what it means to be a High Performance Organization (HPO). Explain as if you were describing this to a co-worker or friend. You must do the reading before responding, however.

BTW: I am a Chinese girl and a senior. Citation and source should only come from the materials from my course site

Posted in essay.