

Paper details:

the paper is on G-RO carry on luggage don’t worry about the voiceover ill do it

Assessment 3 requires the submission of TWO items.
You are to write and make a presentation on marketing objectives, marketing strategy and action programs for the new product chosen in Assessment 2. The written component should be 1500-2000 words maximum in length not including references. The presentation component will be in PowerPoint format with voice-over limited to 5 slides and no longer than 5 minutes in duration.
Assume that the new product chosen in assessment 2 is viable for market entry into Australia. The decision has now been made by senior management to launch this new product into Australia sometime in 2016. Your task in Assessment 3 is to prepare marketing objectives, marketing strategy and action programs for the first six months from product launch.
You will need to address the following criteria:
1. Propose and justify three (3) marketing objectives you think are achievable within the first six months of product launch (e.g. sales targets, product awareness, customer retention and satisfaction, brand management);
2. Justify preferred market segments, targeted customers, and intended positioning;
3. Propose and justify marketing strategy for each of the 4Ps (i.e. product, price, place, and promotion); and
4. Propose action programs for the first six months of product launch to achieve stated marketing objectives.
This is an individual assessment (no groups).
Submit both your written component and presentation component online through the course Moodle site.
Your written component should contain the following:
• A single Word document that addresses each of the 4 criteria listed above plus a reference list showing use in-text of at least six (6) scholarly sources of information, excluding the course text. Use size 12 font with 1.5 line-spacing in this Word document (no PDF).
Your presentation component should contain the following:
• A summary only of the information in your written Word document.
• The format will be PowerPoint with voice-over (no word limit) but limited to a maximum 5 slides and a maximum 5 minutes in duration.
• The written component consisting of the marketing objectives, marketing strategy and action programs are all integral elements of a marketing plan.
• Using PowerPoint with voice-over enhances professionalism and helps keep the viewer’s focus during presentations.
• This is a challenging assignment. It will provide you with the opportunity to undertake a significant piece of work with a practical commercial application.
Assessment Criteria
• Three marketing objectives. Out of 3 marks.
• Market segmentation, targeted customers and intended positioning. Out of 5 marks.
• Product and pricing strategy. Out of 7 marks.
• Placement and marketing communications strategy. Out of 7 marks.
• Action programs. Out of 2 marks.
• Citations and Reference list. Out of 3 marks.
• Spelling, grammar and written presentation. Out of 3 marks.
• PowerPoint meets specified requirements. Out of 5 marks.
• Voice-over is clear and fluent. Out of 5 marks.
• Total: Out of 40 marks.

Posted in essay.