Measuring the Intangible Assets Disclosure and it’s Impact on the Fair Value of Banks – A Comparative Analysis between Conventional and Islamic Banks

be advised that my thesis subject is (Measuring the Intangible Assets Disclosure and it’s Impact on the Fair Value of Banks – A Comparative Analysis between Conventional and Islamic Banks).
Would you please provide me with an expert writer in financial accounting as the writer might help with the writing process in some chapters till the end of the thesis (chapter 5, 6, 7 and 8, Respectively.

Another important point I would wish to bear in your mind is that the same writer that you choose keeps going with me up the end of the thesis.
Also, I need to stay in contact with the writer in case I need to do some changes, addition or send him or her some comments.

Note, if the writer face any kind of misunderstanding or ambiguity please do not hesitate to contact me so as to clarify the ambiguities.

Note: First of all, I would ask the writer to write out chapter five. The chapter should be from 7500 to 8500 words (excluding references). Here is the structure of the chapter that needs to be followed, but you could add or change where necessary.

Chapter Five -Research Methodology and Research Design (7500 to 8500 words)
5.1 Introduction
5.2. Research Philosophy
5.3. Research methodology
5.4. Research design
5.5. Research strategy
5.6. Research methods for data collection and analysis
5.7. Aspect of empirical modelling
5. 7.1. Econometric model specification
5.7.2. Sample selection process
5.7.3. The sources and characteristics of the sampled data
5.7.4. Definitions and measurements of the dependent and independent variables
5.7.5. Econometric procedures for data analysis The econometric package The statistical examination of the data validation Regression analysis methods Sensitivity test for assessing the empirical results
5.8. Limitation and Difficulties
5.9 Conclusion

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