methodology chapter

methodology chapter

Order Description

Master students and My dissertation is systematic review.
write the chapter two Research Methodology.

This chapter must include the following parts:

2.1 Introduction (one paragraph include outline of this chapter)

2.2 Evidence Based Practice (3 pages include different definitions of evidence based practice in health care, what is the importance of evidence based practice in health care, reliability of the evidence and provide figure of evidence Hierarchy) I will provide an example could you please look at it it just to guide you.

2.2.1 Role of systematic review in evidence based practice (2 pages, includes the role of systematic review in evidence based practice, definition of systematic review, importance of systematic review, rational why I chose the systematic review approach also I chose the JBI model in order to understand this research project, explain the systematic review 5 steps)

2.3 Justification of review question (its may need 450 words, I will upload for you my systematic review protocol, clinical education in nursing, use PICO frame work and provide table for PICO frame work)

2.4 Protocol (200 words, include what is the protocol what is the importance of protocol in systematic review, you need to mention her about the protocol may change and provide reference)

2.5 Search strategy for identification studies (one page, include the three steps of search strategy)

2.5.1 published sources (include databases used in this systematic review which is MIDLINE, CINAHAL, EMBASE and PaycInfo)

2.5.2 unpublished sources (include dissertation, theses and grey literature)

2.5.3 other search sources

2.5.4 Search key terms
2.6 Selection of studies (one page include inclusion and exclusion criteria)

2.6.1 Assessment of methodological quality (one page, include which tools used and provide rational why I chose this tools and explain this tool)

2.6.2 Date excretion (which tools used and provide rational why I chose this tool)

2.7 Summary of chapter.

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