New Venture Creation
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Prescribed textbook
Spinelli, S & Adams RJ 2016, New venture creation: entrepreneurship for the 21st century, 10th edn, McGraw Hill Education (ISBN: 9780077862480).
Please note that the 9th edition (ISBN: 9780078029103) is also suitable.
Above text book must be used and referenced.
Pls reference at least three of the other journal articles from below listed required reading.
Main concepts used must be from the above text book.
You are the Marketing Director of a well-established company in the industry in which you are currently employed. After five years in the role you have acquired a wealth of knowledge in this sector and despite your conscientious efforts in making a business case supported by field knowledge, valuable market information, market shifts and trends, you do not have the support of the executive board members to follow a strategic new direction to advance the business. This situation has prompted you to start seriously thinking about creating a new venture to capitalise on the market opportunities you have identified.
(Note: It could be useful to assume that the company is the one where you either are currently employed or were previously employed.)
Prepare a report with core elements of a business plan for creating your new venture. There is no requirement to address everything that might conceivably be included in a business plan. Instead focus on the following list.
Make sure your report addresses these issues:
• Briefly discuss the proposed size of the new venture, its prospect for growth and the assumptions you make about the future of the business.
• Highlight the entry and positioning of the business, what would differentiate it, and how the new venture would make the most impact.
• Assess the attractiveness of the venture and the risks.
• Detail the financing requirements of your venture including both debt and equity, and the source of the funds.
• Remember to support your discussion with references drawn from the literature about new ventures.
• Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the new venture creation process from opportunity identification to harvesting
• Critically discuss financial issues pertaining to new ventures including sourcing of capital and risk minimisation.
• Understand the challenges associated with rapid growth and how to manage a turnaround
• Identify and evaluate business opportunities
• Develop and prepare a business plan.
• Develop financial strategies for new ventures.
• Proper referencing using the Harvard style.
• Reference lists normally contain the following number of relevant references from different sources: 10 -12
• Structure, presentation – 12 point Calibri
? Introduction
? 2.<heading >
? 3.<heading>
? 4.… etc
? Conclusion
? Recommendations (where relevant)
? Reference List
? Appendices
Required readings
• Arvanitis, S & Stucki, T 2014, ‘The impact of venture capital on the persistence of innovation activities of start-ups’, Small Business Economics, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 849–870.
• Dambolena, IG & Shulman, JM 1988, ‘A primary rule for detecting bankruptcy: watch the cash’, Financial Analysts Journal, vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 74–78.
• Fourné, SPL, Jansen, JJP & Mom, TJM 2014, ‘Strategic agility in MNEs: managing tensions to capture opportunities across emerging and established markets’, California Management Review, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 13–38.
• Jain, R & Ali SW 2013, ‘A review of facilitators, barriers and gateways to entrepreneurship: directions for future research’, South Asian Journal of Management, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 122–163.
• Leitch CM, McMullan, C & Harrison, RT 2013, ‘The development of entrepreneurial leadership: the role of human, social and institutional capital’, British Journal of Management, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 347–366.
• O’Hara, K 2011, ‘More money: how to make your business attractive for financing’, Smart Business Pittsburgh, vol. 8, no. 7 pp. 16–17.